The Minister of Interior's order institutes a daily curfew between 8pm and 6am. Persons providing essential services are exempt from the curfew but are required to carry special permits.
The Republic of South Sudan reported its first case of COVID-19 on April 4, 2020. The pandemic is progressing, and the first Vice President tested positive for coronavirus along with some other high-ranked government officials but recovered eventually. The government announced various precautionary measures, including (i) international flight suspension (with few exceptions for planes bringing in health-related cargo, such as medicine and medical equipment, and essential/critical food items; (ii) land border restrictions; (iii) passenger bus prohibitions; (iv) evening curfews; (v) social distancing; and (vi) a mandatory 14-day quarantine period for any traveler arriving from a virus-affected country. The government also encouraged businesses to allow their employees to telework and warned the business community against increasing prices and hoarding essential goods and commodities.
Reopening of the economy. Lockdown measures were first partially lifted on May 7, 2020. More recently, the Council of Ministers instructed the Ministry of Education to reopen schools and higher learning institutions in an announcement made on September 18, 2020. International flights and cross-border travel by buses resumed on October 1, 2020. 10-pm curfews and other public health measures including social distancing, handwashing and face covering are still in place.
On February 3, 2021, due to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases in the country, the following precautionary measures are put in place: i) ban of all social gatherings including sport and religious events, ii) school closures, iii) private and public sectors to allow work from home, iv) closure of businesses that attract crowds such as bars, clubs, and casinos, v) limit the load of bus and taxi to half capacity, vi) mandatory COVID-19 tests for incoming flight passengers, vii) mandatory use of mask, and vii) various social distancing measures.