Country Report
The first cases were reported on March 6. Cameroon continues to record daily increases in the number of COVID-19. Following a reduction in the infection rate from end-July to end-September 2020, CMR is experienced a resurgence from late 2020 to end March 2021. While the rate of infection remains high, it seems to be abating.
In response to the first wave, on March 17, 2020, the government announced a package of 13 containment measures including closure of land, air and sea borders, quarantine for travelers returning from a country with a high level of infection, closure of schools and universities, prohibition of gatherings of more than 50 persons, closure of bars, restaurants and entertainment spots after 6 pm, suspension of missions of civil servants and parastatals abroad, cancellation of school and university games, and a ban on overloading taxis and public transportation. Social distancing and sanitation measures include the use of electronic communications and digital tools for meetings of more than 10 persons, and compliance with hygiene measures recommended by the WHO.
On April 10, 2020, the government took seven additional measures to stop the spread of COVID-19. These measures took effect from April 13, 2020 and include wearing a mask in all areas open to the public, local production of drugs and screening tests, establishment of specialized COVID-19 treatment centers in all regional capitals, intensification of screening and an awareness campaign, among others. In October 2020, the Ministry of Public Health reinforced COVID-19 screenings for all travelers landing in Cameroon, after a network of fake negative COVID-19 tests sold to travelers was dismantled.
Since July 2020, the authorities have been following a decentralized approach, based on Cameroon's health districts and regions, and aimed at strengthening the monitoring of cases and strengthening the continuity of the health services and systems. The country has developed a national vaccine readiness and deployment plan. The authorities have avoided imposing new confinement measures in response to the recent spike in infection rates and have instead intensified calls for stricter respect of sanitary barrier measures and stepped up testing. As of May 31, 2021, a total of 75,215 vaccine doses had been administered.
Reopening of the economy. On April 30, 2020 the government announced a set of reopening measures. The restriction prohibiting bars, restaurants, and leisure facilities from operating after 6 p.m. was lifted, provided customers and users respect social distancing and wear protective masks. The limit on the number of passengers in public transportation vehicles (buses and taxi.) was also relaxed but masks remain compulsory and overloading is prohibited. Primary and secondary school students returned to school on June 1, 2020. Currently, the economy is relatively open, with government offices, businesses, and schools operating normally.