Be a part of the Clean Energy Transition with Free Electrons Program (8th Edition)

Be a part of the Clean Energy Transition with Free Electrons Program (8th Edition)

Submissions are now open for the Free Electrons, the world’s largest open innovation program focused on bringing disruptive energy innovations to life.

The 8th edition of Free Electrons will be held in a hybrid format. The program focuses on enhancing each part of a startups business over the course of one year. Startups gain an immense amount of experience through hands-on interactions with The Utilities, connections to extremely targeted industry insiders, and exposure to investors.

Selected startups will work alongside leading energy utilities in a series of modules held physically and digitally around the globe. The program provides an accelerated path for startups to grow and develop their businesses, pilot solutions and facilitates investment opportunities.

Why apply?

The program includes a series of modules held across the globe (physically and digitally), where startups work closely with The Utility Partners, local accelerators and mentors to refine their company’s solution and explore options to jumpstart their solution’s growth.

Each module is structured to facilitate ongoing conversations between startups and utilities to refine value propositions, seed pilot projects, and explore investment opportunities.

Free Electrons offers the chance for startups to:

  • Test Solutions
    • Test your solution and identify product market fit with experts and mentors in the energy sector
  • Develop Pilots
    • Develop a viable pilot project alongside world leading energy utilities
  • Gain Insight
    • Receive training & support, and attend sponsored travel events throughout the program
  • The program lasts the course of one year, with approx. 15 days abroad. Many startups and utilities continue to work with each other beyond the program.
What are they looking for?
  • They envision a future where smart, clean and accessible energy will transform every aspect of the lives and they’d like to join forces with startups to make this happen.
  • Free Electrons aims to address specific key challenges in the energy sector:
    • Connectivity and Communication Solution
    • Energy management and efficiency
    • Facility and Asset Management
    • Next Generation Clean Energy
    • Smarter Grid and Energy Communities
    • Sustainable Alternative Fuels and Carbon Management
    • Transport & Industry Electrification
    • Solutions for B2b and B2c
  • Free Electrons do provides visa and other logistical assistance.
  • Flights and accommodation are provided by the program.
  • The Utilities support a variety of startups at different stages. Typically, the startup’s applying for Free Electrons have already raised money, have pilot ready solutions and have created a working prototype.

For more information, visit Free Electrons.

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