Democracy Tech Entrepreneur Fellowship Program

Democracy Tech Entrepreneur Fellowship Program

 Deadline Date: November 30, 2023

The Alliance of Democracies Foundation is delighted to launch the Democracy Tech Entrepreneur Fellowship Program to support tech entrepreneurs with innovative solutions to democracies' problems.

The Alliance of Democracies Foundation recognizes the need to build from the bottom up, while bringing out what the free world does best: innovation, entrepreneurship and new ideas. The fellowship is driven by three key elements; collective learning masterclasses, peer to peer mentor sessions, and building strong networks among entrepreneurs.

The democracy tech entrepreneur fellowship is divided into two phases. In the first phase, the fellows attend bi-weekly collective masterclasses, where alongside traditional entrepreneurship classes, they learn ways to defend democracy and, also integrate more democratic principles and processes in their innovations and ventures. These lessons are supplemented by bi-weekly mentor sessions, where the fellows are matched with successful entrepreneurs from Denmark’s start-up and business ecosystem.

In phase two, the fellows are invited to Copenhagen, starting at the Copenhagen Democracy Summit, to build strong networks with policy makers, democracy activists and the start-up ecosystem in Denmark. Here they meet with their mentors, pitch to investors, and visit a few selected partner hubs and companies. Winning fellows are awarded a prize at the closing event. Follow up sessions are conducted post-Copenhagen visit and an alumni network is established to support the fellows beyond the fellowship.

Eligibility Criteria
  • Applicants should have started a scalable business based on an innovation that meets the Democracy Tech criteria. They set greater emphasis on this year's theme but not limited to that.
  • Applicants should demonstrate proficiency in the English language.
  • Applicants should submit a 1-minute elevator pitch about them or their democracy tech innovation/venture.
  • Applicants should be available for entirety of the fellowship.
  • Applicants should come from one of the target countries: Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and Armenia,
  • Applicants should demonstrate commitment to democratic values.

For more information, visit Alliance of Democracies Foundation.

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